This set comprises of 14 tuning forks tuned to the special “Healing Bible codes” with additional tuning forks added which have been researched by Alan Sales. These forks have been developed to be used in conjunction with the 72 names of God Hebrew cards and the book “Technology for the Soul from the teachings of the Kabbalah. The tuning forks are selected in sequence to recreate the vibrational effect of the 72 Names of God Hebrew names or words of God to offer a connection to the infinite spiritual current that flows throughout the world. The tuning forks are very special and come with highly polished metal handles in Silver and they complete the range of Healing Tools available having a unique and powerful healing effect on the trinity of Mind, Body, Spirit and the trinity aspects of the Soul.
This set contains the following Tuning Forks:
- Revelation
- Cubit
- Vital
- Sacred
- Magic
- Secret
- Apocalypse
- Solfeggio
- Creation
- Kabbalah
- Torah
- Spirit
- Soulstar
- Genesis